Tuscaloosa Paranormal Research Group


Live Ghost Cams

 childrenscamWillard Library Ghost Cams: 

One day, we may find out who is haunting…


OKC-PRG / OPRA Research Cams:

Ghost cams set up in an abandoned hospital. Get a creepy feeling while you look down the empty dark       halls..


Paris Catacombs Ghost Cams:

The Catacombs are a network of tunnels that run beneath the city, a few hundred years ago Paris began running our of grave space so they used this underground area to create a mass grave.


Ordsall Ghost Cams:

Ordsall Hall is famous for its resident spirits, most often spotted in the great Hall, including the mysterious White lady seen near the portrait and the figure of a young girl often seen on the stairs….


Doll House Cams:

Set in a farmhouse in rural Pennsylvania amongst the mountains and streams is a little know secret. But Monika, Chrystal, True and Sharla don’t just site on a shelf looking pretty.


Gettysburg Battle Cam:

Those who fought and died may never left this historic part of Pennsylvania.


DDDavid’s Ghost Cam:

Location unknown – house style, construction, suggests its probably somewhere in North America.
